While the number of burglaries in England and Wales has been on a downward trend for the past 20 years, there were still 275,919 carried out in the year 2022/23, according to the ONS – that’s an average of over 750 a day, with January tending to be the peak month.
Analysis of crime survey data by Nottingham Trent University, revealed that private rented homes are 63% more likely to be burgled than owner-occupied dwellings. That’s because they generally tend to have far fewer security measures in place and tenants may be less vigilant about security than homeowners – particularly in HMOs.
So, how can landlords and tenants reduce the chance of a rental property being burgled?
Burglars are generally opportunistic and look for properties with any opening they can take advantage of, such as doors and windows that are unlocked or easy to force. They also want to go unnoticed, so tend to strike when properties are unoccupied and often under cover of darkness.
Here are some key measures that can be taken to deter intruders:
For both landlords and tenants, it’s important to be aware of the need to keep your property secure in order for your insurance to be valid. If a burglar has managed to enter the property without having to break in – e.g. if a door or window was left open – you are unlikely to be covered.
Checklist for tenants
Checklist for landlords
To find out about how our landlord and tenant insurance policies can provide cover for both theft and property damage in case of burglary, visit our website, call the team on 01903 890044 or email us on info@bodeinsurancesolutions.co.uk and we’ll be in touch.
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